Chapter #9 Solutions - Optics - Ajoy Ghatak - 1st Edition

1. Consider the Gaussian function ...Using Eq.(21 ) show that .... Plot ...for a = 2 and σ = 1.0, 5.0 and 10.0. Hence show that ...     (46)which is the Gaussian representation of the delta function. Get solution

2. Consider the ramp function defined by the following equation ...   (47)Show that  ..., where the rectangle function defined by Eq.(4).Taking the limit that ...where the unit step function. Thus we get the following important result:If a function has a discontinuity of ...then its derivative (at x = a) is .... Get solution

3. Consider the symmetric function...Show that... Get solution

4. Consider the function  ... Calculate its Fourier spectrum ...and evaluate approximately ... Evaluate f(t)using the expression for F(ω). Get solution

5. Calculate the Fourier transform of the following functions(a)   ...(b) ...In each case make an estimate of ...and interpret physically. Get solution

6. Show that the convolution of two Gaussian functions is another Gaussian function:... Get solution

Chapter #30 Solutions - Optics - Ajoy Ghatak - 1st Edition

1. Get solution 2. Get solution 3. Get solution 4. Get solution 5. Get solution